Aercovent is a growing Romanian company that operates both nationally and internationally being a supplier of quality products in the field of HVAC and electrical equipment. Even if the experience, the quality of the products and the turnover already raise us to the standard of one of the most important companies in the HVAC and electrical equipment field, we consider that our priority is to listen and understand the wishes of the potential clients.
We know that anyone who wants a good, reliable and quality thing, turn to professionals in the field and yes, we can say this: we are professionals because our experience in HVAC and electrical equipment is over two decades and we are confident that this is one of our strengths that supports us to guide and satisfy the requirements of our clients.
When the customer is satisfied and feels comfortable calling us further, for us this is the key to success in HVAC and electrical equipment. The attitude, the serious approach and the results of our work are in the success of this business.